Moonwalk 1, Red Sox 0

This piece is revised from an earlier version written upon Neil Armstrong's death. When Neil Armstrong died on August 25, 2012, I wondered if maybe, beyond the moon and well into the heavens, my dad had already given Armstrong a handshake or a friendly pat on the back. I turned ten the summer of 1969 that the American astronaut took that giant leap for mankind, which, being young and a child of JFK's New Frontier, seemed a perfectly natural event. We were vacationing in the New England seaport town where my mom grew up--catching up with cousins, body surfing at Hampton Beach, and squealing with both horror and delight through visits to the lobster pound. The banded claws didn't convince us that the creatures wouldn't break through the brown paper bags on the floor in the back of the car, crawl up onto the seat, pinch our sunburned skin and never let go. One thing I'd really looked forward to on that trip was seeing my Red Sox game at Fenway Park--Carl Ya...