Meltdown in Aisle 21

I was running errands and listening to “Terrible, Thanks for Asking,” one of my go-to podcasts. Creator and host Nora McInerny’s latest book, Bad Vibes Only,* just dropped and she was preparing to share a chapter from the audio version with the listeners she calls “Terribles.” The selection Nora featured on the podcast was about finding a new therapist. (BTW, I call Nora by her first name because she feels so familiar to me, not only because I listen to her podcast and have read three of her books, but because her Minnesota accent reminds me of my dear family member/friend from Wisconsin who has that same upper Midwest sound. ) After moving to the desert West from the Twin Cities, Nora explained, she needed to find a new therapist, dentist, and grocery store, among other things. This resonated with me as I happened to be on my way to the grocery store and – Oops!... We did it again! – after our recent move I’m on a valiant quest for the ideal market. Our first night here, I ...