I Support Scouts by Ordering Cookies

One of the ways we have failed our children is not getting them into scouting. They never asked and we never offered. While other kids were joining Daisy Scouts and Cub Scouts, our kids were playing soccer and channeling Michael Jordan in the driveway. John’s brother Nick, in his fifties, is still extremely involved in scouting even though his three Eagle Scouts have moved on. Nick still rocks that Scout uniform like a teen and does a fine spiel on Lord Baden-Powell, the revered founder of the Boy Scouts. Clearly John lacks the scouting gene in his family, as do I. I was a Girl Scout drop out. I lasted until 7th or 8th Grade. That’s when I got kicked out for telling dirty jokes. Well, that’s not entirely true. I did get called out by the leader of the Cadets when she overheard me telling a dirty joke to another girl during a meeting in the basement of the local Methodist church. She may even have phoned my parents to tattle on me. So, basically, I slinked away from scouting in shame, u...