Down the Prairie Dog Hole

Funny how the mind works and makes connections. Is it just writers who go to wacky places, dredging up long-forgotten memories and burrowing down into the proverbial internet rabbit hole? Or do we all do it? My friend Judy texted me a story about a wildlife refuge here in Colorado where the prairie dogs have been infected with the plague . Seriously, how medieval is that? The Washington Post story stated: “Though the plague can be treated with antibiotics, it has a dark history.” Ya think? And here I’ve been worried about what I would do if a bear comes into the yard while I’m in the hot tub. Turns out the Rocky Mountain National Wildlife Refuge is clear on the other side of Denver – more than an hour away. So, phew, I don’t need to worry about the Black Death today. You can believe I’ll steer clear of that place until the plague is eradicated. It did get me thinking about prairie dogs, though. Some years ago, when we lived in Kansas...