"Las Meninas”

After living a long time in the Nonfiction world, I'm happy to share my first published piece of Fiction! My very short story, "Las Meninas," is out and can be found at Persimmon Tree. (To find it, scroll through Short Takes: Resilience and Resistance. Here's a taste... Las Meninas by Mary Novaria Elizabeth would’ve walked the couple of kilometers from the Picasso Museum to La Rambla, but her feet were killing her and, my God , the humidity! Sebastian had insisted she dress up, so she slid into the taxi wearing a navy shift and strappy Gucci heels that showed off her toned calves and demure, taupe pedicure. “It would reflect badly on me if you went out in one of your Bohemian get-ups,” he’d said. Not that she had any of those “get-ups” anymore. That was the old Elizabeth. Before Sebastian. Back when she was Lizzie, which he deemed unrefined. She’d been so taken with him. At fifty, he was still boyishly handsome and sophisticated-–bespoke suits and a c...