The Not-So-Great Toilet Paper Caper

It’s late March, a typical Colorado quarantine evening, except that my toilet paper is somewhere in China’s Guangdong Province. The Safeway shelves are empty… but we aren’t out of TP yet. It’s too soon to freak out. Still, when an ad pops up on social media, I make a panic buy: 40 rolls. “Ships in 12 hours,” the ad says. My friend Judy checks out the website and proclaims it “kinda scammy.” I eventually admit to her that I know my order will never arrive. *** The paper goods aisle in the store remains pillaged. What if the unthinkable happens? Remember when Elaine from Seinfeld sat in a bathroom stall that was out of toilet paper? Is that my destiny? A friend posts on Facebook about several varieties of leaves you can use instead. I shudder recalling that teenage summer and the hideous case of poison ivy I got after squatting in the woods during a bonfire at the beach… Weeks go by. The company’s website has disappeared. I email the sellers and d...