Margaret Thatcher and the Stigma of Dementia

RIP Margaret Thatcher. Even smart, tough broads are robbed by the thief dementia. Here's a re-run of a piece I wrote last year. --MN Thursday, January 19, 2012 Let's Stop Whispering About Dementia There’s a lot of buzz about Meryl Streep’s new movie The Iron Lady and her intimate portrayal of Lady Margaret Thatcher’s dementia. Although folks seem to agree Streep’s performance is spot on (she just won a Golden Globe*), there’s a lot of debate about whether the film is appropriate. The former Prime Minister is still alive, after all, and dementia flatters no one. The film got me thinking about the cruel stigma of illnesses that affect the mind and whether, as one reviewer said, " The Iron Lady is despicable and voyeuristic." There is no dignity in dementia. Remember when people used to whisper the news that someone had cancer? “You know Aunt Millie?” they’d ask secretively, looking around to make sure no one was listening. “She has… (voice lo...