
Showing posts from March, 2018

The Sheet Just Hit the Fan

A viral tweet from a millennial woman has sparked a debate about, of all things, bed linens.  Millennials* have been accused of killing off all kinds of things , including doorbells (because texting) and beer (in favor of wine and weed). Tweeter JesseLynn, a recent college grad has thrown down the gauntlet, laying claim to her generation’s cultural omnipotence, by declaring her cohort has killed off the top sheet. Yes, that smooth, flat rectangle of Egyptian cotton or percale that goes between you and your blanket or comforter has been deemed superfluous. It’s reminiscent of my college sweetheart (now my husband) who eschewed all sheets until I began to, ahem , stay over, and insisted upon a properly made bed. Never mind that the faded brown sheets, with a matching comforter, were a vestige from boyhood. They sported giraffes and zebras, so I dubbed them the “jungle sheets.” Maybe it’s a decent life hack. Millennials are a long way from menopau...

Code Blue: Keeping Up With the Neighborhood Aesthetic May Cause Arrest

Image A local news station back in Kansas City featured my friend Mary in a story recently because of a dispute she has with the city over a couple of items on her porch. Turns out her small recycling bin and milk delivery cooler offended the aesthetic sensibilities of the neighbor who ratted her out. Yes, the Missouri-based Shatto Milk Company actually does deliver and some homes still have front porches. My friend has lived in this one for 56 years. The city threatened Mary with fines of $100 a day and even incarceration for the violations. I’d like to think Kansas City wouldn’t put an 80-year-old woman behind bars for petty code violations and I’m quite sure there are more serious and urgent issues facing the city.   But my idea of appropriate law enforcement activity is not necessarily in line with today’s reality. (I’m looking at you, ICE.) I wish my friend well; maybe we can have a chat on her porch sometime when I’m in town. Her plight got me thinki...