Potty Mouth, Euro Style: Òu est la toilette?

When you’re traveling with a group of 39 teens, the most asked question—after “Where’s an ATM?”—is “Where’s the bathroom?” The query is especially urgent with teenage girls on Saturday night in crowd-crazed spots like Piccadilly Circus. Kids are not amused when the response is, “I don’t know; I’ve never been here either.” Apparently there’s now an app for that. Yes, your iPhone can find restrooms all around the world. (By the way, that was how George Costanza made his post- Seinfeld fortune according to an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm on HBO.) Trouble is, not everyone, has an iPhone. It’s generally easier in London, because we (supposedly) share a common language. Fortunately, restrooms everywhere are marked by those international Man/Woman figures, so even if you don’t speak the local tongue you can usually locate a WC, loo, el baño, aseo, toilette or whatever you want to call it, although it may take some sleuthing. (Worth noting: European toilettes have a different flush mechan...