Status Update: I Love Facebook

My Beloved calls me an exhibitionist. Darling Daughter thinks I’m a creeper. To College Boy I am invisible. (Of course I am; he has 1,063 “friends.”) On Facebook, I can be all of those things--or none of them. Like the old supermarket tabloid says, “Enquiring minds want to know.” Facebook opens up that age-old, class reunion question, “Whatever happened to…?” and connects us to past lives that were gathering dust in old photo albums and yearbooks up in the attic. Sure, there may be a good reason you didn’t stay in touch with HIM (or HER). Broken heart. Embarrassing mortification. Indifference. Mostly, though, it’s just that we grew up, got on with our lives, met tons of other people, and became immersed in our careers, families, whatever. It’s not humanly possible to keep in touch with every single person we meet. At some point I accepted that folks come into our lives for a period of time—sometimes for an obvious reason, sometimes not—and then we go our separate directions. Occasion...