
The Retail Conspiracy to Force Pumpkin Upon the Masses Trader Joe’s: Grab a cart wheel around the storied mart An ordinary day it seems -- fifty days from Halloween Warm enough to break a sweat It isn’t fall… Nope, not yet Matters not when one discerns passels of pumpkins at every turn Pumpkin oatmeal, cookies, bars Pumpkin pretzels, purée in jars Pumpkin O’s (with apostrophe!) for breakfast with your pumpkin tea Pumpkin pasta, pumpkin sauce (No pumpkin toothpaste?! No pumpkin floss?!) There’s pumpkin soap and pumpkin scrub, pumpkin lotion for after the tub Pumpkin muffins, pumpkin bread Midnight nosh ahead of bed Pumpkin butter, pumpkin beer Pumpkin cream cheese, just a schmear Pumpkin heaven? Pumpkin hell? So much super squash to sell Pumpkin sizes, pumpkin hues Orange, green, white pumpkin views Escape with paltry pumpkin...