Travel Advisory: Leave Fake Ammo Fashion Accessories at Home

By Mary M. Novaria Remember when George Herbert Walker Bush was President? While running for re-election in 1992, the senior Bush reportedly was awestruck by the barcode scanner at the supermarket. His son is even more out of touch with the experience of the average American. Just once, he should see what it’s like to fly commercial (coach, of course) and go through the dignity-stealing rigmarole that is post-9/11 airport security. My 15-year-old and I hit the security line at Chicago's Midway Airport last Sunday morning and the TSA screener stops the conveyor belt, picks up his two-way and calls for a supervisor. The line grinds to a halt. The grey plastic bucket with my shoes, cell phone, purse, sweatshirt and jewelry has come through unscathed. My daughter’s is undergoing the intense scrutiny, via x-ray video, of three representatives of the Transportation Security Administration—the latest incarnation of the officious rent-a-cop. Darling Daughter removed her belt before strolli...