Talk to the Hoof: Super Spots and Nots

Monday morning quarterbacking is not just about the game. The ad gurus and pundits are all atwitter about Super Bowl advertising. Judging by the creative output during last night’s game, you’d never know our economy was in the tank. This morning on MSNBC Donny Deutsch said he liked the talking babies ad for E*Trade. He gave E*Trade props for acknowledging tough economic times, which most other advertisers did not. I did not, like Donny, think the ad was cute. Maybe I’m just cranky but talking, singing or dancing babies have just never been cute or funny to me. Not even a little in Look Who’s Talking (okay, maybe a little in Ally McBeal ). Usually they are just plain annoying, although the fact that people are talking about it makes the ad successful whether I like it or not. I’d much rather see a talking animal, or an animal doing something unusual—like a Clydesdale fetching a huge tree branch after watching a Dalmatian fetch a stick… or, better yet, a Clydesdale escaping to rescue D...