Who Was That (Un)Masked Man?

He’s no hero, not in my book. He may be a bit of a lone ranger, though, bucking the rules, defying our community ethos, ignoring the signs – Thou Shalt Wear a Mask. I put a cauliflower in the cart and stare at the vegetables. I’ve grabbed some chicken breasts, a pork roast, a filet of salmon. What will I fix with them? I don’t have much of a list. It’s been that kind of week, this first week of the new year. There’s organizing to be done. Decorations to put away. A webinar. Goals to my agent. An editing job. A writing deadline. On Wednesday they stormed the Capitol. I’m in such a fog I’ve forgotten to bring a face mask to the grocery store for the first time since this all started. Shit. Then I remember the handful of disposables I shoved in the glove box a while back. Just in case. Just in case what? Just in case there was a riot at the Capitol in the city where I was born and I was too shocked and sad to make sure I had a mask and a proper grocery li...