What's Mary Tyler Moore Got to Do With the New Trump Regime?
As seen on Huffington Post
This was supposed to be about Mary Tyler Moore.
As a young broadcast journalist, living by myself in a
studio apartment, I couldn’t help but liken myself to Moore’s iconic character,
Mary Richards, associate producer of the news at WJM-TV. Besides sharing the
name Mary, we both produced the news—she in television and I in radio at the
local NPR station. Mary modeled for us independence, encouragement, integrity
and, that plucky quality her boss Lou Grant hated—spunk. I wanted to be just
like her. Truth be told, though, I was a Rhoda, more bohemian and sarcastic
than the well coifed, tailored and graceful Mary Richards. Still, to this day, when
I think of that studio apartment—the first place I ever lived all by myself—or
any young woman living alone in a studio, it always conjures up visions of

Which is why this isn’t really about Mary Tyler Moore.
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